Berkshire’s Outdoor Rink

Olivia Mirabito '22, Staff Writer

As students returned to campus after winter break, many were pleasantly surprised to see an outdoor hockey rink while driving up the driveway. The outdoor rink sits between Crispin Gordon Rose (CGR) dormitory and the driveway, and is accessible to all members of the community. Berkshire has not had an outdoor rink since 2017, but given the various COVID protocols on campus, multiple faculty families wanted to give community members another outdoor space to gather. Those families helped build the rink during winter break, and with the help of the hockey and ski teams, maintained the rink over the past few months. 

 According to Mr. Perkins, the rink has had trouble freezing over in past years, discouraging the rebuilding of the rink until this year. Perkins also mentioned that the rink’s current location is not flat enough to efficiently accommodate the rink, as extra water, delivered by the fire department, was needed to even out the surface. 

Perkins, who played a key role in the building and maintenance process of the rink, says, “it’s just fun to see students and faculty children skating outside during the winter.  If we could reintroduce barrel jumping competitions, that would be my favorite.” 

The outdoor rink has provided members of the Berkshire community with an enjoyable option for activities this winter, and will hopefully continue to do so in winters to come.