Editor’s Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of The Green and Gray or Berkshire School.
Before 2024, I was a firm believer in the Democratic party and strongly believed that President Trump was racist, fascist, and sexist — and that his policies would destroy American society. I trusted the mainstream media and my teachers, who claimed that his administration aimed to “make America great again” by targeting immigrants like me. I was convinced that every action he took was designed to marginalize minorities and erode our rights.
That all changed on February 10, 2024, when I watched a full-length speech by President Trump in Conway, South Carolina. During the speech, he repeatedly emphasized that his policies were focused on “illegal immigrants,” not on all immigrants. He clearly stated his intent to deport those who break the law while acknowledging the economic contributions of those who follow legal channels. Learning his true intentions for immigration policies made me curious to look at previous quotes that I had believed were racist at the time. This reminded me of a 2020 debate class where my friends and I talked about the “the very fine people on both sides” quote from Donald Trump. In class, everyone was saying how racist Trump was for stating such a quote that targeted people. Instead, this time I decided to watch the entire clip of his speech to determine if he really meant to be racist. Later during his speech, Trump said “And I am not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned.” This singular sentence made me understand that he was targeting extremist behavior, not entire communities.
This experience made me realize that much of what I had believed about Trump was shaped by cherry-picked media rather than his complete statements. By listening to his full speeches, I learned that many of the misconceptions were based on selective reporting. I discovered that his policies are more nuanced than I originally thought, especially in areas like immigration, energy, education, and healthcare.
Take, for example, his economic agenda. Critics often argue that Trump’s policies favor the wealthy, but in reality, his targeted tax cuts are designed specifically for middle-income families. Trump in his speeches states that he wants to cut taxes for the middle class. Economic analyses, such as those from the Tax Policy Center, suggest that tax relief for the middle class can boost disposable income, stimulate consumer spending, and set off a cycle of economic growth. This approach is projected to reduce inflation over the coming years by generating higher long-term revenues that help manage the national debt. Instead of enriching the top 1%, his fiscal policies aim to create a more balanced and resilient economy that benefits every day Americans while also putting efforts into reducing the National Debt.
In the energy sector, another common misconception is that Trump’s policies are anti-environment. However, during his first term, he implemented reforms that modernized domestic energy production. By shifting from coal and other heavily polluting fossil fuels to cleaner oil extraction and natural gas drilling, his administration managed to reduce CO₂ emissions from the power sector. These measures were not about abandoning environmental responsibility but about ensuring stability and efficiency. By lowering restrictions, these policies also helped stabilize consumer prices, contributed to a more predictable economic environment, and ensured better energy efficiency with the use of oil and natural gas.
Trump’s approach to education has also been mischaracterized. Many believed he sought to dismantle public education altogether, but his record shows a commitment to defending parental rights and expanding educational opportunities. One of his administration’s recent executive orders—detailing measures to expand school choice and empower local communities—ensures that parents have a fundamental role in deciding how their children are educated. The order directs the Department of Education to guide states on using federal funds to support K–12 scholarship programs and prioritizes alternative education models, including private and faith-based options. These initiatives aim to improve academic outcomes and create safer, more competitive educational environments for every child.
On immigration, I once thought that Trump’s policies were solely about exclusion and hostility. However, after learning that his focus is strictly on enforcing laws, I understand that his efforts are aimed at deporting those who are in the country illegally, while not targeting immigrants who abide by the law. For instance, his administration has emphasized removing individuals who violate immigration policies, ensuring that only those who contribute positively remain. In practice, this means that illegal immigrants who have not followed proper legal channels are deported swiftly — a policy intended to protect American jobs and public safety without compromising opportunities for those who work hard and follow the rules.
Healthcare is another area where misconceptions abound. Critics claim that Trump’s healthcare policies undermine patient care and are driven solely by fiscal conservatism. In truth, his agenda is built on four key themes: flexibility and choice, fiscal conservatism, public health reform, and AI deregulation. His plan shifts decision-making from the federal level to the states and individuals, empowering families to choose healthcare solutions that best meet their needs. By reducing government spending and cutting drug costs, his policies aim to make healthcare more affordable — an issue that 57% of Americans have identified as critical. The focus is on preventive care and personalized treatment, ensuring that the system is both cost-effective and responsive to the needs of patients.
Reflecting on my journey from firm opposition to a more nuanced understanding, I now see that many media outlets from both parties have cherry-picked statements to paint a one-sided picture. By listening to full speeches and examining the details of his policies, I learned that many of the so-called “divisive” actions were, in fact, targeted measures designed to protect American workers, uphold the law, and empower individuals. President Trump’s agenda is not about taking away rights or discriminating against any group — it is about creating a society where every American, particularly those in the middle class, has the opportunity to thrive.
This transformation in my perspective taught me the importance of seeking out complete information and engaging in honest, critical analysis of political rhetoric. In doing so, I discovered that understanding the full context can reveal a more balanced and thoughtful policy agenda — one that, despite its controversies, is aimed at strengthening our nation and providing a fair chance for every citizen to succeed.
Editor’s Note: This piece (published here without cuts made in the print edition) is part of a two-article section comparing two students’ perspectives on what a second Trump administration means. You can read the other piece here.
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