As Hallow’s Eve approached and Bears laid out their finest costumes, speculations of Mountain Day circulated on campus. As anticipatory excitement overwhelmed dorms, students analyzed facts that verified the rumor… “Hunting season starts tomorrow!” or “Mr. Mulder leaves for Asia tomorrow night for a week!” or “The high tomorrow is 75 degrees!” When a video of Ms. Maher in Madrid began playing at All-School Meeting, Bears instantly knew their suspicions were no longer mere predictions. Lingering enthusiasm from the costume contest multiplied when Ms. Maher’s arms floated up into the infamous mountain shape. As every community member sprang to their feet, roars and cheers took over the theater. Those who had played Mountain Day roulette (aka those who didn’t complete their homework) sighed with relief. In short, October 31st combined two cherished Berkshire traditions, with happenings around campus reflecting just that.
But first, let’s rewind to when it was just Halloween before the Mountain Day excitement ensued. The All-School Meeting commenced with the annual Halloween costume contest in which faculty members and Bears participated. Costumes ranged from Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr. from Talladega Nights to Charli XCX’s album, Brat, and everything in between. The contest was divided into three categories: solo, small group (2-4), and large group (5+). The intensity of applause determined each category’s winner; Junwoo Lim ‘27 won the solo contest as the U.S. Air Force, Rohan Rost ‘27 and Edison Shergalis ‘27 won the small group contest as E&R Laundry bags, and Katie O’Hara ‘27, Kendall Dobratz ‘27, Aeowynn Conway ‘27, Eleanor Rose ‘27, Lila Barkan ‘27, and Jess Sonner ‘27 won the large group competition as Berkshire’s robot lawn mowers. In addition to the student creativity presented in the three categories, faculty members joined their department to all dress up together. For example, the library faculty dressed up as Where’s Waldo? and each science department faculty member dressed up as a different “Mike,” ultimately welcoming back beloved former faculty member Michael Dalton who retired last year. By this point, energy was radiating from every Bear, who had almost forgotten about their Mountain Day wishes as they were wrapped up in the Halloween festivities surrounding them.
Until… Ms. Maher’s warm remarks filled the theater and everyone knew the day was only getting better and better! After the excitement quieted, Mr. Seelenbrandt presented the array of Mountain Day activities planned in addition to the habitual hike to Guilder Pond or South Pinnacle. The activities included: rock climbing, yoga, a wild food walk, a scarecrow contest, frisbee golf, and a race to Guilder. Our very own Co-Editor-in-Chief, Trevor Sullivan Weinstein won the race to Guilder unopposed and secured the start of a new tradition, the Guilder Cup. Students filled the campus and covered the Mountain with their adventurous spirit and dedication.
To conclude the day, faculty families and students filled the Jack for “Halloween Dinner” which included festive decorations and abundant sweet treats. A special thank you to Flik for all their hard work in making it a memorable dinner! Following dinner, the campus lit up with faculty children and current Bears smiling while trick or treating.
It was a picturesque Berkshire day filled with old traditions, new traditions, and friendships, honoring the boundless opportunities our Mountain provides us. Thank you to all who made it another amazing day to remember!