All School President; Stella Demmert
Hi! I’m Stella Demmert, and I’m one of the All-School Presidents, representing all forms and students. I live in New York City and have been at Berkshire since my freshman year. I am currently living in CGR. I ran for Student Council because I saw the potential for our community to feel more united, where every student has a voice and feels supported. This year, my goals include boosting school spirit through more inclusive and exciting events, creating opportunities for students to bond across forms, and developing new ways for faculty and students to connect deeply. I hope to make Berkshire a place where each student feels a sense of belonging and pride in being part of this community. I’m always open to hearing ideas, so feel free to reach out if there’s something you’d like to see!

All School President Michkael McKenzie
Hi, I’m Michkael McKenzie, a four-year senior from Hartford, Connecticut, and I am in Mac this year! I ran for ASP because it is about embodying a genuine commitment to our school. I am driven by the belief that this role represents a unique opportunity to amplify student voices, lead impactful initiatives, and deepen the connection within our community. My commitment is to fortify the very essence of our community — our core values. I intend to uphold these pillars of life on campus by fostering inclusiveness through consistent dialogue and engagement. To achieve this, I propose a multifaceted approach. I will hold regular gatherings aimed at fostering meaningful connections and understanding among our diverse student body. These meetings will serve as platforms for open discourse, where every voice is not just heard but valued. Furthermore, I aim to implement student-led initiatives to address pressing issues that affect our community. By empowering students to take the lead in tackling these challenges, we not only foster a sense of ownership but also allow room to cultivate innovative solutions derived from our shared experiences and perspectives. Lastly, I recognize the irreplaceable role of our faculty in nurturing a supportive environment for our students. I will continue to collaborate closely with our faculty to ensure that Berkshire’s support systems are catering to the evolving needs of our community. I want to help establish a space where every individual feels appreciated.

VI Form Co-Class President: Riki Ishiyama
Hi I’m Riki Ishiyama. I’m the VI-form co-president, I’m from Kobe, Japan, and I live in Eipper this year. I joined Berkshire in my sophomore year (2022). I decided to run for 6th form co-class president because I wanted to represent the class of 2025 by increasing the opportunities to bond as a grade, putting “Senior privilege” into play, and having more opportunities like more study hall spaces to improve senior life.

VI Form Co-Class President: Nora Wendell
Hey! I’m Nora Wendell. I’m the VI-form co-president. I’m from Hingham, Massachusetts, and I came to Berkshire as a freshman, and this year, I am living in CGR. I ran for class president because I wanted an opportunity to get involved, specifically to make connections with my peers and the faculty. I plan to expand senior privileges and make Berkshire the best place for everyone (especially for the seniors’ last year on campus)!

V Form Co-Class President: Winnie Freund
Hi, I’m Winnie Freund, I’m from Bedford, New York, and I live in Spurr this year. I am the V form co-class president. I have been at Berkshire since freshman year. I ran for co-class president because I wanted to be a bridge for students and faculty and wanted to be able to advocate for my peers and listen to their ideas. I plan to focus on more form bonding within my grade and want to hear their thoughts and criticisms.

V Form Co-Class President: Hugh Weidinger
Hi, I’m Hugh Weidinger. I’m from Long Island, New York, and I live in Eipper this year. I came to Berkshire because of the tight-knit community. I ran for co-class president because I wanted to do my best to make a change in my grade and also in the community. My goal for the fifth form is to create a closer relationship with everyone through community events.

IV Form Co-Class President: Kate O’Keefe:
Hi, I’m Kate O’Keefe, I’m from Bermuda. I live in Buck this year. I came to Berkshire my freshman year and was also the freshman class co-president. I ran for student council last year because I wanted to put myself out there and try my best to utilize all of the great opportunities, and I thought running for student council was a great way to do that and learn more about Berkshire. I chose to run again this year because I found it to be a really fun and helpful activity for the community, and I wanted to be a part of that again and voice my own opinions. What I plan to do for the IV form this year is to connect everyone by forming bonds. Jacob Reece, who is our other co-class president, and I are trying to create more form bonding activities so that everyone can get to know each other and become comfortable with one another. Furthermore, I want to make weekends feel more like weekends, either changing lights out on Friday week two nights or having more study spaces available for upperclassmen.

IV Form Co-Class President: Jacob Reece
Hey, I’m Jacob Reece, I’m from New Jersey, and I’m the IV co-class president. I am living in Eipper. I came to Berkshire my freshman year. I ran to become more involved in our community. I plan to make the sophomore year as fun as possible! Go Bears!

III Form Class Co-Class President: Bailey McDonough
Hi, I’m Bailey McDonough, I am a co-class president for third formers, and I am from Aspen, Colorado. I came to Berkshire this fall, and I live in Godman. I ran for student council because I love the role of a leader. In the past, I have been given awards for leadership positions. I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to engage with my grade and help with issues. I am great at communicating and compromising with situations. I also love coming up with ideas for our grade to interact, and I love the idea that students have a voice through Jack and me. I want to make sure that everyone is settling in and making Berkshire a home for themselves. I have many goals for this year, one of which is assuring our form that they have a voice. Most freshmen do not believe that they have a voice within our community, and I want them to feel like they have a chance to change a policy or share an idea for forming a bond.

III Form Class Co-President: Jack Fischer
Hi, I’m Jack Fischer, I’m the third-form co-class president. I’m from Bermuda, and I live in DeWindt. I ran for student council to help represent my form and help the third form to have a voice. I plan to bring my form together this year so everybody is more connected. I plan to let my form know that their voice is heard, and just because you’re a freshman doesn’t mean you can’t make a change. I look forward to having some fun form bonding and getting everyone together!