Beginning her high school career during an abnormal and difficult year, Mosie O’Keefe of this year’s graduating class has made strides “Under the Mountain.” Her optimistic and warm spirit placed her in a position for success at Berkshire. Watching her older brother attend this school before she did provided her with a sense of familiarity upon her arrival. One thing about Mosie is that despite her heavy workload between academics, athletics, and being a Green & Gray captain… she will never say “no” to some fun! Whether that be spiking on the volleyball court, serving on the tennis court, or planning one of the many unique community events, Mosie is a reputable force in everything she does. Mosie never fails to have a smile on her face, a warm greeting awaiting, or a humorous comment to lighten up the day. Her contagious positivity is remarkable, making her position as a community leader vital. Mosie’s persistence, wit, and outgoing nature make her mark on the Berkshire community one to be remembered.
Why Green & Gray?
Since her freshman year Mosie had always aspired to be a Green & Gray captain. When experiencing the school spirit from the student body perspective, she always wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of it. The planning, the coordination, and the collaboration that goes into creating these memorable school moments had always sparked Mosie’s interest. Therefore, immersing herself into the community in this role seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Favorite part about being a Green & Gray captain?
The collectiveness that Green & Gray event brings to the community is one of Mosie’s favorite parts as a captain. Removing academic pressures, Mosie likes the escape from the serious nature of the school week and cherishes the lighthearted fun of gathering the whole student body in new environments. Watching the whole student body participating in activities she and her co-captains have strategically planned out, is a reward in itself. Whether that be watching students flood into the SAC for a game of dodgeball or connecting students over Soco, the smiles on each and every Bear’s face make their efforts worth it. Lastly, Mosie appreciates the collaboration that being a Green & Gray captain demands. The vast variety of ideas and perspectives, the cohesive effort and dedication to create fun, and leadership opportunities have enabled Mosie to understand her place in the Berkshire community and the legacy she hopes to leave.
Influential Peers?
Mosie finds immense comfort and support from those around her, therefore when I asked her who the most influential people were in her decision to become a Green & Gray captain, she didn’t hesitate. Ms. Bogardus, being her advisor for her four years at Berkshire, has been her utmost supporter as she forges her pathway under the mountain. Ms. Bogardus has been essential in creating a home away from home for Mosie. Encouraging her to take risks, being a source of laughter, and cheering her on from the sidelines, Ms. Bogardus will forever be a significant stepping stone in Mosie’s Berkshire journey. In addition to her advisor, Mosie looked up to Chandler Gilbane 23’ and Addie Robertson 23’ as role models, as they were impactful in her own Berkshire experience. Sought after Green & Gray captains themselves, Mosie appreciated the diligence and enthusiasm they had for their role on campus. They urged her to take on this role through their seamless embodiment of Berkshire school spirit. Mosie’s peers and faculty members have guided her towards becoming the strong community member, student, and friend she is today.
Favorite Green & Gray Event?
Mosie shared that she is excited for Last Bear Standing; although she doesn’t get to participate in this school wide competition herself, getting to witness the fun, ambitious spirit of her peers is just as fulfilling. With the wonderful spring air and eager energy from each bear, Last Bear Standing is without a doubt Mosie’s most anticipated Berkshire tradition. The lively and excited aura on campus radiates throughout everyone and builds bonds between students who may not interact during everyday life.
During the interview Mosie stated, “Becoming a senior in itself is a challenge and growing into this new role has been a transition but seeing the school from this new standpoint has been eye opening.” After always having older students to look up to on campus, being the oldest group of students has required some adjusting but also led her to the realization that her time at Berkshire will soon be coming to a close. Living every day here with intention and the understanding that time under the Mountain flies by in the blink of an eye.
Advice for future bears?
Mosie advises future bears to, “Push yourself to do things you believe you are incapable of. Recognize when you need to find a healthy balance between all aspects and responsibilities of your life at Berkshire. Take the opportunities presented to you and never take your time in this special community for granted.”
Fun Facts about Mosie O’Keefe!
Favorite place on campus?
The turf during springtime.
Favorite place ever traveled?
South Africa.
Random fun fact?
Never broken a bone.
Last three meals?
Spaghetti bolognese, tuna tartare, and Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food Ice Cream!