Meet Your Student Leaders!

Danielle Page ’23

 This year, the student council is made up of a talented and well-rounded selection of 10 leaders. These students have shown strong leadership skills throughout their Berkshire careers thus far, and have been carefully selected by their peers to represent their forms. While you may have seen them around campus or on stage at all-school-meetings, we’ve comprised a few words from each of them to help you become more familiar with your student leaders!


All School President: Bridget Alamu

Hey everyone, my name is Bridget Alamu. I’m a four-year senior from the Bronx, New York, and I also live in CGR! I wanted to be a student leader this year because I was a Green Key Head last year and I really enjoyed it. It was a way in which I could connect with individuals outside the people that I typically hang out with so I obviously wanted to do it again this year. I do not regret my decision to become a student leader simply because this was the best thing to ever happen to me!


All School President: Aidan Pesce

Hi! My name is Aidan Pesce. I am a 4 year senior, and I am also one of the Co-All-School Presidents this year at Berkshire. I use he/him pronouns, and I live in Mac dorm. I am a born and raised New York City resident, but I also have New Zealand Citizenship. I wanted to become a student leader at Berkshire because I wanted to be a bridge between the students and faculty members on campus. I also wanted to change up the way Student Government has worked in the past by meeting more frequently this year and allowing anybody from the community to come to our meetings and voice their opinions.


VI Form President: Lilah Oneil

Hi! I’m Lilah Oneil and I am a Senior from Lenox, Massachusetts. I am living in Buck this year. Since it’s my last year at Berkshire, I wanted the opportunity to make this year special for the seniors before we go separate ways to colleges. As Co-Class president Junior year, I wanted to continue working with the student council to improve weekend activities and make policies to make Berkshire a better place. Go Bears!


VI Form President: Will Hansen

Hi, my name is Will Hansen. I am a four year senior from San Francisco. I currently live in the DeWindt dormitory. I ran for senior class president this year because I wanted to make sure that the senior class has the best last year they could possibly have. I also want to be an option for students to have their ideas heard.


V Form President: Summer Rippetoe

Hello! My name is Summer Rippetoe, I am a three-year junior who lives in Buck! I am from Cohasset, Massachusetts. I am super excited to be a co-class president for my junior class this year! I was my grades sophomore class president last year, which I enjoyed a lot! I always want to help my grade to feel comfortable and confident being a student here at Berkshire School. This is a goal that I have for every one of my classmates. I chose to be a student leader to be an outlet and a voice for every student. I want to dedicate myself to ensure that this is a welcoming community for everyone. 


V Form President: Koroush Harbottle

Hi, my name is Kourosh Harbottle, and I’m from New York City. I’m a three year junior and live in Eipper Dormitory. I ran to become a student leader this year in order to be the voice of my classmates and their concerns, as well as to ameliorate inclusivity among our form. 


IV Form President: Sofia Esposito

My name is Sofia Esposito, and I am a sophomore. I am from Greenwich CT, and I live In buck. I wanted to be a student leader this year because I wanted to be able to get all my classmates’ ideas heard. I want to make everyone feel comfortable and enjoy their time at Berkshire as much as I do! 


IV Form President: Noboru Tsuru

My name is Noboru Tsuru, I’m a Sophomore from Mexico City. I am currently living in Eipper. I am having a great time at Berkshire and am really enjoying the community and the academics. It is truly great to partake in such wonderful classes, participate in so many events, all with great company by my side. However, I did not always feel this way. At first, I felt a little alone. I was very scared; I did not know how to live away from my parents, and I felt out of control. I chose to be a Student Leader because I wanted to make Berkshire even better. I wanted the next kid to feel a little less alone and a little less scared. Now, my goal is to listen to the sophomore class and get meaningful change done according to what they need.


III Form President: Kate Petrie

Hi! My name is Kate Petrie, and I am from Wilton, Ct. I am a freshman here at Berkshire, and I live in Godman. I wanted to be a student leader this year because I thought it would be a great way to begin my journey under the mountain. I also wanted to play a role in school-wide activities, and make it an amazing year for all students. We have such a strong community, and I can’t wait to see what we are able to accomplish together.


III Form President: Will Reynolds

I’m Will Reynolds.This is my first year here at Berkshire as a freshman. I come from Winnetka, Illinois, and now I am living in Allen dorm. The main reason I wanted to become a student leader this year was to get the chance to bring our grade together by creating opportunities for us to get to know each other early on as a class. I am so excited for the year ahead and for what our grade has to accomplish!