Get to Know Sr. Lucio!

Sydney Burnett ’23

 Berkshire was lucky enough to welcome fourteen new faculty members this year! Today, I chatted with new Spanish teacher, Sr. Victor Lucio, and learned more about what led him to Berkshire!

Burnett: Briefly describe your background such as where you have lived and where you have worked? 

Lucio: I’m originally from Memphis, Tennessee and then decided to stay in Tennessee for college. At the University of Tennessee, I majored in both English Literature and Spanish. I then took a break from academics and pursued my dream of culinary school in New York. I stayed in the area and opened up a bakery-cafe and a couple of coffee shops. After a few years, I ended up going back to academics beginning with grad school in New York and Vermont. I have lived and worked in New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Spain. I also was lucky enough to study in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Argentina.

Burnett: What in particular got you interested in Spanish?

Lucio: My dad’s family is Mexican and I was never able to communicate with my relatives in Spanish growing up. It was this part of my heritage that I didn’t feel that I was very in touch with, so I began to study it in college. I was accepted to a program to study in Mexico during the summer and got hooked on immersive learning and making connections with people in another language.

Burnett: What are your hobbies besides Spanish?

Lucio: When I’m not teaching or learning Spanish, I like to read both fiction and cook books when I have the time, go for long walks or hikes, cook, bake, travel, and spend time with my husband and cats. I love to bake all kinds of desserts, particularly pastries as well as cookies and muffins. During the pandemic I added bread to my toolbelt.

Burnett: What were your personal and Spanish-related goals coming into Berkshire?

Lucio: To work and grow with a group of dedicated educators to support the academic and personal development of our students. My Spanish-related goals are to work with my colleagues to build as much of a language-immersion experience as possible for our students. I want my students to understand that while Spanish is an academic subject, they are also developing a skill that they can apply to any aspect of their life. I also want them to relax a bit and enjoy their language-learning journey.

Burnett: What is it like to teach at a boarding school?

Lucio: At a boarding school, I love being able to interact with students in environments that aren’t just limited to the classroom. I also love the opportunity to work with adults in the community with the same goal of personal and professional growth both inside and outside of the classroom. I think that part of the boarding school experience as a teacher and as a student, specifically at Berkshire, is that these pre-set goals evolve as the year goes along. 

Burnett: What are you excited about for the upcoming school year?

Lucio: I’m excited to see the growth of my students as the year goes on, especially since I have already seen large strides in all of my classes. I feel like there is a positive energy that is contagious here and I have not worked in an institution that is so tight-knit, so as a new faculty member I am also excited to learn about and experience many Berkshire traditions. 

Burnett: What is one aspect you love about Berkshire so far?

Lucio: I like that everyone is so engaged. Every student and faculty member has made a conscious decision to come here as there is a specific part of Berkshire’s culture that you fall in love with. I love that everyone makes it known that they are here to support each other.

 Sr. Lucio has jumped right into the Berkshire community and we’re so excited for the year to come!